Police Department

Call: 615-297-0241

Dispatcher answers telephone 24 hours per day 7 days per week. Each dispatcher is certified through the State of Tennessee, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Davidson County Metro Police Department.

All marked Belle Meade Police vehicles are equipped with a video/audio recording device, first aid medical kit, fire extinguisher, and speed monitoring devices.  Officers are now equipped with body cameras.  An Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is in each patrol car as well as the Police Dept. for emergency use.

View the 2024 Annual Report
View the 2023 Annual Report
View the 2022 Annual Report
View the 2021 Annual Report
View the 2020 Annual Report

Child Passenger Safety Program

Certified child passenger safety technicians are available to give personal instruction on how to correctly install child restraint equipment in vehicles. They can also answer questions concerning the safety of your child while riding in a vehicle. To contact a Belle Meade Police Department Child Safety Technician, please call 615-297-0241.

Crime Prevention

The city offers a full-time detective dedicated to investigating crimes against its residents, regardless of where the crime occurred. Also, the detective is available to meet and discuss ways to make a home more secure and less susceptible to theft.

Trespass Waiver

The Belle Meade Police Department can be designated as an agent for the property owner or management of a business, house of worship, etc. for the purposes of Tennessee state law. By filling out and submitting this waiver the owner gives the police department the authority to arrest individuals for criminal trespass.

Please note the waiver is in effect for five years, and can be rescinded in writing at any time. Also, the property MUST be posted “No Trespassing” at all entry points.

Any questions, please contact the Police Department at 615-297-0241.

Download Trespass Waiver

Operation Blue Light

A service for Belle Meade citizens who are elderly, living alone or vulnerable, and who may need assistance with medical needs, meals, shopping, transportation, etc. Click HERE for more information about this program and to access the Application form.

Off-Duty Police Officers

Off-duty officers are available for hire for security or traffic control for planned events. This service is billed to the resident or company requesting the service. The hourly rate is standard and approved by the City Commissioners. To request this service, please contact the Lieutenant at the Police Department (615-297-0241).

Prescription Drug Collection Box

Anonymously and safely dispose of expired, unused, or unwanted prescription drugs. The collection box is in the lobby of the Police Department located at 4705 Harding Road, Nashville, Tennessee. For more information on disposal, click here.


The City offers free fingerprinting services to its residents. Non-residents may also take advantage of the service for a fee.  Please call to make sure an officer is available to perform this service. 615-297-0241.

Neighborhood Watch Program (NWP)

The city offers an on-site coordinator and liaison for neighborhood watch groups in Belle Meade.  The coordinator communicates with Block Captains who send information to residents in their group regarding BOLOs (“Be On the Look Out”) and about recent crimes in the City, as well as surrounding areas. Complete the form to sign up.

    House Check Service

    If you live within Belle Meade City limits and you would like the Belle Meade Police Department to conduct routine security checks of your residence while you are away for an extended period of time, please notify the department by submitting the following form. If you have any difficulties completing this form, please call 615-297-0241.

      Please call (615) 297-0241 if you return earlier than indicated.

      Do you have an alarm service?


      If yes, provide the company's name and phone number.

      Are the interior lights on timers?


      Are the exterior lights on timers?


      Will the mail/newspapers be stopped?


      Doors and windows locked?


      Are there pets around the residence exterior?


      Are there pets around the residence interior?


      Describe any vehicles on the outside of the property. Include make, model, color, and registration if possible. Indicate if the vehicle will be concealed in a garage.

      Will anyone be around the home?


      If yes, who?

      Is the home for sale?


      What is the name of the real estate agent and phone number?

      Where can we reach you?

      Phone where we can reach you

      Does local contact have a key to residence?



      Please read the following statement before submitting this form. The Belle Meade Police Department, per your request, will attempt to check your residence periodically. Neither the city of Belle Meade, nor the Belle Meade Police Department assume any liability in the event of theft, loss or damage to personal or real property in or around your residence. By submitting this form, it is understood and agreed that neither the City of Belle Meade or the Belle Meade Police Department assumes any liability with the "House Check Service." The resident, by accepting the "House Check Service," and by execution of this request understands and agrees to the provisions of this release.

      Release Agreement:

      I have read and understood the release and agree to its provisions.

      The Belle Meade Police Department will not consider any requests without agreement to the release provisions listed above.

      No Solicitor’s Registry
      Sign Up to Join Belle Meade’s “No Knock” List

      The City offers residents the opportunity to share with solicitors that commercial solicitations will not be permitted on their property. The list of residents wishing to not be solicited will be provided to companies with their solicitation permit, along with a copy of the relevant sections of Municipal Code. Violation of the No Solicitor’s Registry may be grounds for revocation of their permit.

      Complaints should be reported to Belle Meade Police at 615-297-0241.

      Complete the form to add your address to the list.