The City of Belle Meade is covered under the Tennessee NPDES General Permit for Discharges from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (Permit No. TNS000000). This permit requires the City to maintain a set of programs to manage the quality of stormwater runoff from the storm sewer systems. The program is organized within six minimum control measures (MCMs):
- Public Education and Outreach
- Public Involvement/Participation
- Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
- Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Pollutant Control
- Permanent Stormwater Management at New Development and Redevelopment Projects
- Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations
Belle Meade manages the stormwater program jointly between the Public Works and Building and Zoning Departments. The Public Works Department maintains the City’s storm sewer system/infrastructure and issues permits for work within the City’s right-of-way. The Building and Zoning Department issues permits for land disturbing work on private lots. A third party engineering consultant supports the City’s stormwater program through various MS4 Permit compliance activities such as site plan review services. Examples of the programs the City maintains to comply with the MS4 permit include:
- Issuing land disturbance permits and performing erosion prevention and sediment control inspections (MCM 4)
- Regular street sweeping and creek cleaning (MCM 3 & 6)
- Public meetings to discuss various stormwater related topics (MCM 1)
- Organizing volunteer creek cleanup (MCM 2)
- Requiring annual inspection/maintenance records for permanent stormwater control measures (i.e. underground detention structures, rain gardens, permeable pavement systems) (MCM 5)
The public is welcome to review any and all documents below and submit comments via email to Planning Director, Mary Samaniego.
THE CITY OF BELLE MEADE WILL NOW BE ACCEPTING LAND DISTURBANCE PERMIT APPLICATIONS THROUGH OUR NEW CIVCGOV CITIZEN PORTAL. Please use the button below under Forms to first register as a user in the Citizen Portal and then to apply for the “permit”. Ensure that you complete all required information.
Stormwater Improvement Projects
- Walnut Dr., Lillywood Rd., intersection of Lynwood Blvd., Lynwood Terrace and Lynwood Lane
- Culvert Repairs/Replacements – Sutherland Ave. at Belle Meade Blvd., and Jackson Blvd. at Gerald Place
- NEW 2024 Stormwater Ordinance
- Stormwater Fee Ordinance
- Municipal Floodplain Zoning Ordinance
- Ordinance 2022-2 Stormwater User Fee Increase
- TDEC EPSC Manual (Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control)
- TDEC Post Construction Manual
- Geothermal Policy
- Rain Garden Policy
- Subsurface Drainage Policy
- Land Disturbance Application packet (pdf)
- Land Disturbance Application & Inspection Online Portal
- Stormwater Maintenance Agreement
- 2016-2017 MS4 Annual Report
- 2018-2019 MS4 Annual Report
- 2020-2021 MS4 Annual Report
- 2021-2022 MS4 Annual Report
- 2022-2023 MS4 Annual Report
- 2023-2024 MS4 Annual Report
Public Education
- FEMA Maps
- Metro flood map viewer
- Stormwater Program Management Document
- Public Information and Education (PIE) Plan
- Enforcement Response Plan (ERP)
- What is that in the water??? Illicit Discharge brochure. To Report Illicit Discharge please call (615)297-6041 and request to speak to Planning Director, Mary Samaniego