Building Permits

THE CITY OF BELLE MEADE WILL NOW BE ACCEPTING BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS THROUGH OUR NEW CIVCGOV CITIZEN PORTAL. Please use the button below to first register as a user in the Citizen Portal and then to apply for the permit.  Ensure that you complete all required information.

              APPLY FOR A PERMIT

***Public Notice: As of September 1st, all new applications for plumbing and mechanical permits must be submitted to the City of Belle Meade and the City of Belle Meade’s Inspector will issue these permits and be scheduled for inspections going forward; only those permits issued by Metro-Nashville prior to September 1, 2024 will to be carried out by Metro-Nashville building codes division.***


The City of Belle Meade has adopted the 2018 ICC International Residential Codes. The purpose of this code is to provide minimum requirements to safeguard the public safety, health and general welfare through affordability, structural strength, means of egress facilities, stability, sanitation, light and ventilation, energy conservation and safety to life and property from fire and other hazards attributed to the built environment. The provisions of the Code apply to the construction, addition, alteration and repair of one- and two-family dwellings and their accessory structures.

Adopted Building Codes for the City of Belle Meade:

  • International Residential Code, 2018 edition
  • International Building Code, 2018 edition
  • International Fuel Gas Code, 2018 edition
  • International Mechanical Code, 2018 edition
  • International Plumbing Code, 2018 edition

Copies of any of the above codes are available for in hard copy for public viewing at Belle Meade City Hall or online on the International Code Council (ICC) website CLICK HERE

For more information, contact:
Building and Codes Office
(615) 297-6041 Ext 218 or Email:


The building code of the City of Belle Meade requires that all such permits and associated inspections be obtained. Plans and specifications prepared by an architect shall bear the Architects seal and date in accordance with state laws and regulation.  Click here to apply online through the Citizen Portal. All plans and documents submitted for permits shall become the property of the City of Belle Meade. The following data shall be submitted for a building permit:

1. Building Permit Requirements

The City of Belle Meade issues Building Permits for the following specific types of residential projects: new single family residence, addition, demolition, plumbing, mechanical, swimming pool, pool house, interior renovation, exterior renovation, repair, interior demolition, terrace, deck, spa, fence, masonry wall, driveway, and outdoor fireplace.

Building permits are issued after properly completing permit applications. Applicant must show evidence of state contractor’s license and worker’s compensation insurance or home owner can pull permit. Building permits are required when owner or authorized agent intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish or change the occupancy of a building or structure, inside or out. The permit fee is due upon issuance of the permit.  CLICK HERE for the most recent list of FEES.  After permit is issued, inspections must be requested by the owner/agent.

2. Building Plans: two (2) hardcopy sets, scaled ¼” = 1 foot

  • Site Plan
  • Architectural drawings
  • Engineered drawings
  • Front elevations from average natural grade and finish floor elevation
  • Front, sides, and rear elevations with existing grade and finish grade
  • Complete the Building Permit Application

3. Site Plan Requirements for All New Houses or Additions

  • Submit PDF’s and two (2) hardcopy sets
  • Show site plan with property line dimensions, building envelope, existing and proposed contours, with principle structure and all accessory structures, driveway, sewer tank and control box location.
  • Show all new construction in shaded area.
  • Show all trees four (4) inches or larger in caliper and identify species.  Show trees proposed to be removed due to construction.
  • Fees must be paid in advance for all engineering/professional reviews.


Residents and contractors can request an inspection by calling Matthew Singleton, Building Official, at 615-961-2289. Please leave a voicemail; voicemails will be returned.

State of Tennessee conducts all Electrical Inspections for all electrical permits within the City of Belle Meade. To Request an Electrical Inspection click for Instructions to Use the State’s CORE online system:  Click Here or Call 615-741-7170. You must know the permit number(s) to request an inspection. TN State Permits and Licensing Contacts: Ms. Tracy Fowler – Local Issuing Agent: 931-316-3955  or or Mr. Kyle Vari – State Electrical Inspector: 615-427-9586 or


Applicants for Historic Zoning Commission, Municipal Planning Commission, and Board of Zoning Appeals should first schedule a meeting with the City’s Planning Director to initiate the review process for their project.  The Planning Director will assist in determining whether a submittal to one or more of the boards are required.  The Planning Director will provide checklists and timelines to assist applicants and their design professionals with the preparation of all application materials.  Once a complete set of application materials is received, the applicant will be placed upon the agenda for the next available meeting date. Filing fees must be paid in full  at the time of application.  Applicants or their representatives must appear in person and be prepared to answer questions regarding the project at the meeting as absence may be grounds for deferral or denial by the board.