Brush and Chipper Service is contracted separately from garbage pick-up and occurs on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week. The chipper service is designed for pickup of grass, shrubbery, cuttings, tree leaves, small tree branches, bushes, fruits, or any other matter usually created in the care of lawns and gardens. Tree trimmings shall have a trunk not to exceed four (4) inches in diameter, and shall be no more than eight (8) feet in length or six (6) feet across in the lap or crown. Twigs, leaves, small debris, and grass clippings shall be bagged, bag weight not to exceed 50 pounds. If a homeowner has contracted with a tree removal service to cut down large trees on their property, the homeowner is responsible for removal of the tree and related debris. The City chipper service is not set up to provide this service. Your pickup day will depend upon which street you live. Go here for more information on service routes.
Brush and chipper service occur on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week depending on the street you live on. If you have further questions please give us a call at 615-297-6041.
This service is contracted for roadside pickup of bagged leaves and clippings, small limbs and normal yard waste debris. Note: This service does NOT cover the pickup and removal of large trees that have been cut down on your property – this is the homeowner’s responsibility. If you set out a large amount of trimmings, the contractor may only take a portion on the weekly stop to complete his route. Please do not bring yard waste to the dumpsters behind City Hall.